British Railways Standard Steam Locomotives


BR 'Britannia' 70022 - TornadoIn January 1948, when the foul’ grouping companies of LMS, LNER, GWR and SR were nationalised, becoming British Railways, a vast number of different locomotive types were inherited. Perhaps, then, it would seem surprising that the new ‘owners’ should even consider any radical changes in the motive power department, which already had ample stocks of versatile machines.

The keyword in this Instance was standardisation. The design and construction of what became the 12 BR Standard steam types was not essentially promoted on the grounds that the grouping designs were antiquated.

When I wrote this article, I was so fascinated by these new steam types, I researched and wrote a book about them – “The Standard Steam Locomotives of British Railways”.

And you can read the rest of my newspaper column below……

The Creation of Standard Steam

Originally published in NW Evening Mail 1977

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